Az EKP cikkei
The constitutional cost of the MVM
The constitutional cost of the MVM
Tamás Bodoky„The corruption affairs of the BKV are dwarfed by the shenanigans going on at the state-owned Magyar Villamos Művek Zrt. (MVM, Hungarian Electric Works)”, addressed the Fidesz the prime minister last year, but the party has not touched this skeleton since the government change. The National Bureau of Investigation (NNI) has been investigating the transactions causing a loss of approximately ten billion forints, which took place in 2007 and 2008 at the state electricity provider and some of its affiliates. According to our sources, the investigation has already discovered the offshore destinations of euro millions but it is unclear why the results have not been published yet.
Distinguished Gentlemen – The Fónagy-Podolák axis: national interests in energy policy
There was a field in the last governmental term where outstanding cooperation could be observed on several occasions between the governing party and the largest opposition power. The Fidesz and the MSZP passed bills that can determine the Hungarian energy market for years, or even decades, unanimously and without debate – sometimes even in opposition of the government. Probably nothing worked so smoothly in national politics in the past four years than the Fónagy-Podolák axis coordinating such teamwork. This story outlines an energy policy “independent from political parties”, and the new government is probably not willing (or able) to change its logic.
Miklós Hargitai
Where does money from district-heating leak?
A part of the money aimed to provide district-heating financial support, an amount equalling approximately 11 per cent of the energy fee, goes to local governments, hospitals and companies with good political relations.
Márton Galambos
Earthed grey eminences – 15 years of the Hungarian Energy Office
The Hungarian Energy Office (MEH) used to dream of correcting the disharmonious voices of the Hungarian energy world and of becoming an independent professional citadel; but it has operated rather incompetently ever since its foundation. While its decisions have financial consequences, their ability to assert interests has been on the decline since Péter Medgyessy’s government. Issues of high importance have been shifted under the control of the parliamentary economy committee lead by László Puch, later by György Podolák. The institution that has so far only experienced failure celebrates its fifteenth anniversary.
István M. Szabó
Assent to enlargement of Paks nuclear power plant
The Hungarian Parliament in March 2009 voted for the enlargement of the Paks nuclear power plant. It happened without the government complying with its earlier promises: there was no referendum on the issue, no detailed background documents for the MPs to base their decisions on, not even a public debate was held. The government’s proposal was based on selective information, leaving all the important details out so as not to confuse the MPs.
Áron Kovács
Gas wars in Hungary
Emfesz (First Natural Gas and Energy Trading and Service Provider Ltd) is a peculiar company. It serves one fifth of the Hungarian consumers, it’s them who can fill the strategic gas reservoir by state order. The company seems alright on the surface, but is surrounded by many inexplicable things.
Péter Magyari