Az EKP kutatásai
Media analysis of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster
In this research we are presenting the appearance of the disaster of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in the Hungarian online press (Index, Origó, NOL, MNO, Hetiválasz, Figyelőnet, HVG) with quantitative methods. However, we did not limit our research to news reports on the Fukushima disaster, but included all articles referencing Fukushima. This enables us to follow how reports on the events unfolded, from economic effects through news items about victims, damages and the dangers of radioactivity.
In our study we analyze how the mainstream Hungarian online press discussed the events of the Fukushima nuclear accident. We were asked to focus on the Hungarian contexts and analyze the ways atomic energy; the Paks Nuclear Power Plant and the Hungarian energy policy were mentioned and discussed in the context of the Japanese events.
What are the characteristics of the Orbán government’s energy policy? What old, “time-tested” solutions or previously not used power techniques did the new government implement during its first year? Are there strong features of the two-thirds majority legislation? How does legislation represent the interest of energy lobbies? These are the questions investigated by the study prepared in the framework of the Energiaklub’s Control Energy Program, evaluating the performance of the one year old government through analysing energy legislation materials and energy policy documents.
Energy and information - the experience of the Energiaklub on data requests
Energy has always been a sensitive area in relation to access to data of public interest. This is the area where business interests clash the most frequently with the public’s constitutional interest. The data requests of the Energiaklub Climate Policy Institute and Applied Communications have resulted in lawsuits where the data controller was evidently considered a body performing public function according to rules of law and judicial practice, and yet the data controller argued the opposite.[1] We have also encountered numerous other issues and problems that urge a summary of the Energiaklub’s data request experiences.
Government failures, rent-seeking and risks of corruption in the Hungarian electricity sector
August, 2010, Budapest Corvinus University Corruption Research Centre
The English translation of the analysis is now available.
Good governance is a common good, and thus contributes to the welfare of a nation both in the long and the short run. Our research investigates how state regulation in Hungary after the millennium on the special electricity market is intertwined with phenomena described by economic sciences as rent-seeking, corruption and government failure.
Dysfunctions in the state energy sector and energy legislation
The English translation of the analysis is now available.
This report contains the results of research carried out by the Energy Club between April and November 2009, within the scope of the Control Energy Project, undertaken with the intention of mapping out the Hungarian state energy sector and revealing any related dysfunctioning.
29 June 2010, Energia Klub
The maze of wind power plant licensing in Hungary
16 August, 2010, Budapest Corvinus University Corruption Research Centre
This case study analyses the Hungarian regulations on the installation of wind power plants through interviews conducted with market players and workers of relevant authorities, and through analysing the regulatory environment (laws, decrees, procedure regulations) that form the base for licensing. The primary focus is on the licensing procedure for the installation of wind farms because preparation of the originally planned procedure for the second round of quote allocation had not been completed by the time of this study, despite the initial schedule. The study also discusses the entrepreneurial perception of this second quote allocation.
Disfunctioning in the field of state energetics - summary
January 2010, Energia Klub
Our study’s value and novelty is in its thematic, summarizing and systematic approach, and in defining and describing disfunctioning based on the routine of the Energia Klub. Moreover, we have made proposals to improve the existing system.
Government failures, rent-seeking and corruption risks - summary
January 2010, Budapest Corvinus University Corruption Research Centre
Good governance is a common good, and thus contributes to the welfare of a nation both in the long and the short run. Our research investigates how state regulation in Hungary after the millennium on the special electricity market is intertwined with phenomena described by economic sciences as rent-seeking, corruption and government failure. Our analysis primarily reconstructs the history of regulations based on two case studies using currently available documents and interviews conducted with participants and experts. One of them is about the so-called “energy market liberalization”, while the other covers the distribution of wind farming quotas. For detailed results we have used socio-economic and economic analysis tools as well as attempted to restore historic events.