Munkacsoport anyagok
Before applying statutes or resorting to actual legal action there are several options that enable data controllers and applicants to cooperate and facilitate unhindered access to information. Our suggestions for best practices are the following:
Activities of Energiaklub in relation with the Aarhus Convention
The Aarhus Convention was created in 1998 to grant the public rights regarding access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters. Energiaklub has been working on the promotion of these principal rights, focusing on the issue of energy.
Energiaklub was established 20 years ago, and over the years we have gained the reputation as an independent and leading think&do organisation in Hungary, dealing with practical energy issues as well as climate and energy policy. During this period of time we have in numerous cases experienced the lack of transparency inherent in the energy sector’s decision-making mechanisms and operational practices, and its extreme sensitivity to abuses. It has always been a difficult task to gather relevant pieces of information from the energy sector and play active part in the decision-making processes, which in a democracy should be evident. Therefore, it is our mission to work towards a transparent energy sector in Hungary, which is also in accordance with the objectives of the Convention.
In the followings the activities of Energiaklub in this field are presented, regarding nuclear energy (nuclear is selected as a theme, being the least transparent segment of energy in Hungary). The activities are described in accordance with the three pillars of the Aarhus Convention.