Lévai project: documents received so far
Upon the legally binding resolution of the court made in February in our suit concerning data about the Lévai project, the Magyar Villamos Művek Zrt. (Hungarian Power Companies Ltd., MVM) sent a part of the documents requested (these can be downloaded under “Related content”).
These provide information on the planned total cost (12.74 billion forints) and schedule of the project, a list of participating companies and contracts related to the project, and a list of results achieved in the framework of the project to date. In regard of the latter, we must emphasize that both the request and the court’s resolution required the publication of the results themselves, as opposed to publishing a list of 8 items.
As in our opinion the company should have sent us the results in compliance with the court’s resolution, and we believe further information should be disclosed pertaining to the contracts, we will issue another request to the MVM Zrt.