Az oldalt gondozza: Energiaklub

Corrupted energies- invitation to conference

2010. 1. 8.

Energia Klub and the BCE Corruption Research Centre is honored to invite you to participate in the conference: 
Corrupted Energies - A conference on energy, state, transparency and corruption
Why is the relation of energy and the state controversial? To what extent is regulation responsible for infringements? How corruption pervades the energy market? What did the Hungarian society lose because of all of these?
These are the questions targeted at the conference, where the results of the Control Energy Project is presented.

The patron of the conference: 
László Sólyom
President of the Republic of Hungary
Date:12 January, 2010 (Tuesday) 9-17
Venue:BudapestCorvinus University, Room III. (1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8. ) 
Attendance is free of charge but the number of places is limited. Please register at the email address below: Annamaria Bajusz,
The deadline for registration: 10 January, 2010
The language of the conference is Hungarian, English translation will be provided.